If you’re looking for auto insurance, it won’t take long until you come across the term full coverage. Most people assume that if they get a full coverage policy, any issues that may come up will be covered. While that’s a completely reasonable assumption based on the name of this type of policy, there’s no guarantee that everything will be covered.
Since full coverage auto insurance policies are often more confusing than they initially seem, we’re going to go over the six different types of coverage that you need to be aware of as you’re comparing different policies:
- Bodily Injury Liability
The reason this is the first type of coverage on our list is it’s required by the state of Ohio. The current minimum set by the state is $12,500 per person to cover injuries and medical costs, up to $25,000 per accident. If you’re somewhat familiar with this kind of coverage but surprised by the current minimums, it’s probably due to them being raised in 2013 after a 44-year span with no increases.
- Collision
Next up is collision coverage. As its name implies, this type of coverage comes into play if you run into or collide with anything. That can include another vehicle, as well as barriers or walls.
- Comprehensive
What happens if your car is damaged by an incident like fire or theft instead of an accident? If you have comprehensive coverage, you will be covered for those types of incidents, along with others like vandalism or hitting a deer.
- Personal Injury Protection or Medical Payments
Sometimes referred to as PIP for short, this coverage pays for any injuries to the driver or passengers that occur if an accident occurred while you were driving. It’s worth mentioning that this type of coverage can vary quite a bit between states, so you’ll want to make sure any research you do is through Ohio-specific resources.
- Property Damage Liability
Like bodily injury liability coverage, the state of Ohio also requires property damage coverage. The minimum set by the state is $7,500 per accident.
- Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Although Ohio is not a state that requires drivers to carry coverage for uninsured or underinsured motorists, having this as part of your policy can provide protection in the event that you’re involved in an accident with a driver who doesn’t have adequate coverage.
Finding the Policy You Need at the Right Price
Trying to make sense of all the different types of auto insurance coverage is enough to make your head spin. If you want to find the policy you need at the right price without driving yourself crazy, Cincinnatus Insurance can help. We make it easy to get an insurance quote online or by calling us at 513-587-3553.